Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Sydney. Our capital of excess. A city of smiling surfers, cops and celebrities. Its winding roads choked with prestige hatchbacks; a city dominated by its young, real estate hungry elites. I think that coming here, you really notice that it is Sydney, above all other Australian cities, that has been the central focus of Australian cinema. I say this because I can feel this sense of mystery in the air; even those ubiquitous yellow-brick apartments that blot the landscape have a strange kind of allure. This mystery bleeds into a sense of menace. This is a city where the appearance doesn't quite meet the reality: corrupt cops, crime syndicates and highly-placed paedophiles. For every young and beautiful jet-setter, there's a homeless guy sitting on a park bench. It seems like everyone's set on ruthlessly enjoying themselves and capital "L" living, which adds a certain hardness to the environment here. That said, this is a totally seductive city. Everything feels alive: whereas Melbourne will have grey, bloated clouds hanging over the sky for days, Sydney will have a wild electircal storm, followed by brilliant sunshine, and probably a rainbow for good measure. I should disclose that I've just watched Mulholland(?) Drive and I'm into the whole "underlying menace" thing - perhaps skewing my perspective?

Rediscovering The Big Arvo. Still pushing the boundaries of child-oriented afternoon infotainment television (and presenter hotness).

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