Sunday, February 15, 2004

Ok, I've seen the funniest music vid in the world: Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart. I cannot believe how ridiculous it is. Part Meatloaf, part Thriller, it has Tyler running through an empty mansion (of course), with sheer white curtains blowing in the wind. Outside it's stormy, with lightening flashes (of course). Randomly, she is surrounded by interpretive dancers wearing little nappy things, who move around her, probably representing passion or something. The best bit is when this boy's choir randomly appears in the house, all with glowing white eyes, and one of the singers starts to fly about the room while Tyler looks perplexed and emotional. Other odd bits include a random shot of people fencing (love is war?), lots of sweaty men, and the fact that it eventually turns out that Tyler is a new teacher about to teach the aforementioned glowing-eyed, flying choirboys, which is kinda dodgy cause there was something very sexual going on there. I know this sounds nonsensical, but that's because it is. Other totally lame but good clips include: Pat Benatar, Love is a Battlefield and Shannon Noll, What About Me?.

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