Saturday, March 06, 2004

Oh dear. The opening "salvo" in the upcoming US election has taken the form of an ad recently released by the Republicans featuring September 11 footage, (American flag, survivors in rubble etc.), with superimposed images of Bush looking presidential, and then some tag line about how "in times of change you need leadership you can trust". Oh dear. Not surprisingly, this has proved contoversial among families of the victims of the trade centre attacks, but they're releasing it anyway, saying something about how people need a "reminder" of Bush's sterling post-S11 leadership. I can't believe he's running on a leadership platform - like if they say it enough, it'll come true.

Feeling a bit more confident about thesis, in that there are at least pieces of it now that seem kinda cool. Something, at least, is emerging from the murky crapness of early drafts. That said, I've now realised that for the next three months I'm pretty much gonna have to become some kind of hermit freak if I wanna do well. On the other hand, realistically I think there's a limit to how much I can work. Take today for example, by 5pm, I could think no more, so I poured a G&T, and decided not to think. This is perhaps a bad strategic move, but I can't help it. I'm weak. I don't understand those people who can pull all nighters. Where does that focus come from? I would just panic and pace around the room alot - I certainly couldn't churn out an essay. Seeing The Passion of the Christ tonight... Can't wait to have an opinion!

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