Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I've been watching some movie preview trailers, and this is what I've found. Despite the "Second date, no tongue" thing, or the "In the absence of light, darkness prevails" der thing for that matter, I'm actually interested in seeing Hellboy now that Adrian Martin has made it okay. Also because I developed a fondness for its existence months ago when it was out in America, and one weekend the box office ranking went "#1.Hellboy. #2.The Passion of the Christ" which I found rather amusing. I was like, "Well look at that. The devil wins. Start freaking out, apocalypse weirdos". My interest has also been piqued because the dude who plays Hellboy was that tall guy looking for his little brother in City of the Lost Children. Oh, indie cred, I am a sucker for you. Anyway, maybe I'll wait for video. I'm also waiting for video for that Suddenly 30 debacle that I know I'm gonna love because, hello! They can't possibly make it end in an uncreepy but still romantic comedy way. The girl is thirteen! Ha ha ha ha! Anyway, I will wait for video unless perhaps there is someone out there prepared to accompany me and endure me loudly proclaiming "I just love the work of Mark Ruffalo, don't you? I'd see anything with him in it" as I buy my ticket and choc top. But really, I will be a snivelling coward about it, der. Am also keen on, but not ashamed of, The Bourne Supremacy because I totally reckon the first one was like, the coolest action movie ever. Matt Damon actually became hot in that movie, in a character sense. However, I am dubious about Julia Stiles' new hairdo, and I dunno why they changed the director for this second one. Doug Liman rules [Swingers was awesome and all, but my respect is flipping out since he like, created The OC or something. He is a GOD! Doesn't everyone just love that show? Ohmygod, I love it so much!] Ahem. Anyway, did people catch Matt Damon on Denton? He was pretty cool. Matt Damon, I mean.

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