Friday, January 16, 2004

Hey, did anybody else just watch This Is Rockbitch on SBS? You know, that documentary about that British band who all live together in a sex commune in Metz? They have, like, decided to devote their lives to sexual energy, which they say is the source of all energy, and do all these goddess rituals and shit, and the band is like an evangelising tool for their mission, and everyone gets groped, and stuff. Anyway, I was watching it, and I was wondering who in the hell could possibly live with these people? It would be like my own personal hell. I'd go nuts. I'd be all, like "Shut up! Just SHUT UP! Can we talk about something other than the bloody magnificence of womanhood please? And I DON'T CARE about the Celtic origins of this particular piece of flummery! NO, I DO NOT want to do a Pagan ritual right now, OKAY? Stop smugly fondling me! I can't even look at you without irritation. And a 69er is not a 'sexual energy feedback circuit'! Hey lady, masturbate in front of me all you want, but just don't tell me it made you feel connected to the Earth when you're done. No more theories about 'essence' and 'spirituality' and 'sexuality' today, okay? AND STOP PLAYING MUSIC. YOU SUCK!" You know what I mean? I would grind my teeth to the gums if I had to spend elongated periods of time there, man.

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