Monday, February 02, 2004

This whole Janet Jackson breast-exposure thing is hilarious. Mostly because of the crazy outpouring of network apologising. Never again will MTV organise the mid-show entertainment says CBS! Never again! Meanwhile, JT (trouser snake) takes the piss by blaming the incident on a "wardrobe malfunction". Although, my personal opinion is that the whole thing was deliberate. If anyone wants to look at the still (which is totally PG), her nipple isn't actually exposed. Considering that numerous celebs eg Lil'Kim have pioneered the acceptable exposure of breasts, with nipples tastefully covered up, the whole thing seems quite tame. If it wasn't intentional, I'm then very impressed that Janet managed to carry on robotically while replacing the missing costume piece. In any case, the fact that we all now remember that Janet Jackson exists, and has a new album out in weeks, means that the whole thing has been a success. Yay!

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