Sunday, March 28, 2004

I spent this afternoon watching Gigli and Swept Away. OH MY GOD! GIGLI SUCKED ASS! Christopher Walken's scene was good, and I liked the retarded boy, but JESUS CHRIST that movie BLEW! About half way through I started screaming into the pillows on my couch. I don't understand how people managed to watch it in a cinema. You really NEED to groan [and thrash] during this film. NOTHING HAPPENS, but it happens SO ANNOYINGLY that it's UNBEARABLE. Oh man! They talk all this crap, but it's really lame old crap pretending to be saucy. Jeez. I can't remember the number of times I had to say "SHUT UP! Just shut up! You made your lousy frickin point five minutes ago. So STOP TALKING! Both of you, please have mercy... no! No please, no more theories, no more little facts about the world that you think make a wider point. Noooooooo! Please, just STOP TALKING!" Oh god, I'm never going near that thing again. Hideous. How on earth did it ever get made? Anyway, Swept Away was way better, and I didn't hate it except that it was quite frustrating at times. I don't think it deserved the pasting it received. But Gigli definitely did. Save yourselves! Curiosity is NOT enough of a reason to endure it. Oh, the horror...

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