Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I've said before how much I can't stand The Australian's Janet Albrechtsen, so of course I was sickly excited by the fact that she'd weighed into the gay marriage debate. In her article No Hatred in Keeping Gay Marriage Sacred, she argues that it's not discriminatory to deny marriage rights to gay couples. However, she then suggests that gay marriage is dangerous as it "[takes] us further down the path to moral relativism, where all lifestyles are seen as equal". This was where I jumped up at the breakfast table, 'cause she just undermined her whole "seperate but equal" argument with that little slip up - she's implying that gay lifestyles are not equal to heterosexual lifestyles (and also that the acceptance of them is the thin end of the wedge towards Armageddon or something). You slipped up! You tried to hide your basic homophobia beneath legal hogwash and bullshit "research" from Scandanavia, but you failed. I think what annoys me most about Albrechtsen is that she just forms stupid arguments, but then tries to write with this annoying tone of "I'm just being reasonable". Grrrr.

Also, the other day walking down to the station, I noticed a copy of Hustler lying on the curb, opened to reveal this poor woman spread-eagled for the world to see. It seems that one of my neighbours was trying to subtly dispose of some porn, but unluckily for them, it never made it onto the recycling truck... ha ha ha the seedy heart of suburbia!

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