Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Just watched the amazing, brilliant, inspired KylieFever 2002 in the wake seeing A Clockwork Orange for the first time. This allowed me to revel in the true brilliance of Kylie performing two or three songs in a setpiece inspired by the movie. It was fantastic... set in that weird "Moloko" lounge or whatever it was, the dancers were dressed as those cross-legged female mannequins, there were giant inflatable Ks all over the stage, and Kylie was dressed as the main droog guy... you know the killer, rapist, psychopath. And in this costume... she was singing Spinning Around, one of the most insipid, stupid songs I own. That is just so ridiculously fantastic. Even if Kylie's never actually seen the film, and even if it is the work of her stylist (a strong possibility), it is BRILLIANT. AND, they called the "act" "Droogie Nights". Amazing (although it does add more weight to Mel's Kylie-as-empty-signifier argument). Oh Kylie, why have you fallen so far?

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