Thursday, July 01, 2004

Oprah was kinda weird today. It was the Spiderman 2 show, so I tuned in for some hot Tobey and some impeccably dressed Kirsten. It was all good. But then they just started rolling in wheelchairs and 'real-life superheros' who had like, jumped in front of cars or overcome disease. Which was all fine, but weird too. Like, the actors were just stranded on the couch silently listening to the stories and being empathetic, and then Oprah would realise they were just kinda background figures and that the movie hadn't been mentioned in a while, so she would make some broad segue about how the Spiderman story is like the stories we're hearing today, about ordinary people being heroic, don't you think so Tobey? "Erm, yes, I suppose. Except that Spiderman is just a movie." Mmmmm. Discomfort. It was even more funny and off because, before they rolled in the heros, Oprah had been quizzing the actors on the 'ordeal' of shooting the film, getting them to expand on all the physical travails they went through. An ad break later, sitting there next to the heroically crippled, I would be getting increasingly horrified at myself, going, "Oh my god. I am such a dick." That's the power of a massive tone shift. But in the end I think everyone just went with it. They were probably pleased to not have to talk about the movie again and again. Anyway, now I'm just waiting to see how Oprah dealt with the cast of Harry Potter this time around, considering that the kid she wheeled in last time, that Mattie kid who wrote poetry and had been corresponding with J.K Rowling, died recently.

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