Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I know, I know, I’ve been totally lax with the blogging. It’s not so much that I’m living some crazy-arsed lifestyle, but more that I’ve been looking for a new bee in my bonnet to get my blogging groove goin. And that bee is: politicians (and talking heads) who deny the fact that they’re being blatantly homophobic when they seek to “preserve the sanctity” of marriage as a union between men and women only. “I don’t have a problem with gays, I just think that marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman”. What pisses me off most is the measured tone in which they sprout this crap – like they expect us to actually think they’re being logical. If you’re saying that officially recognised gay partnerships are going to undermine the exalted position of male-female marriage, then that looks like a stock-standard case of homophobia. It just seems like lately all this bigotry has started oozing out of the woodwork – it seems like we’re “drowning in arseholes”, to use an Elanorism. Bush is “mindful that we’re all sinners” (particularly if you’re “foreign”); Anderson is sprouting the blatant bigotry that Howard will only elude to; the church has gone nuts. I mean, when it gets to the point that you’re claiming the recognition of gay marriage is a slippery slope towards polygamy and bigomy, I think you’re scraping the barrel of alarmism. I really don’t think my sexuality is insidious, or a threat to society, or the thin of the wedge of moral decay. I am quite a good person with a stronger moral and ethical foundation than the “moral guardians” who are sprouting this hatred.

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