Monday, February 16, 2004

Saw Irreversible today. Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel are REALLY COOL. I also thought that the movie was good, except for at the beginning when the camera swirled for too long and made me impatient to get to the actual story. I would recommend the film, but it would feel like I was recommending that you all go and watch someone get raped. Also, if you're a girl and you regularly walk around at night by yourself [like on your way home from work, etc], especially near main road underpasses, you might not want to watch this movie. It's kinda hard to shake the feeling that you're never far from vulnerable to a random horrific thing. Fear kinda shoots through you and freezes your spine when you think of all the simple acts of walking home you've done [and are yet to do]. Just make up your own minds, and if you wanna see it, maybe we'll chat later.

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