Saturday, March 06, 2004

Happenings are timely, aren't they? See, it's my turn to write the next instalment of our piece of Romantic Fiction, and I've been fretting about how exactly to turn Fermina loose into a 15th century Madrid that actually resembles, well, 15th century Madrid. I had no idea of how to make it up. But, happily, mum is off to Europe soon and has her trusty Lonely Planet - Madrid on hand. So I'll get myself well-informed on the ins and outs of the place at that time, and then make sure to chuck all that useful information out of the running, in favour of the 'artistic licence' policy we have here at Symposiasts Romantic Press. I might even find Fermina a clean dorm room for 20 euro a night, who knows? Anyway, the next instalment will soon be forthcoming. And, psst, if I were you, I'd be expecting a more 19th century version of Madrid [which will be based on London, anyway, as slums and whores are gonna feature heavily]. Or perhaps not. Have just read that, around Fermina's time [but not exactly] Madrid was kinda perfect for our purposes, seeing as "amid the squalor in which the bulk of its people toiled, royalty and the aristocracy gave themselves over to sickening displays of wealth and cavorted happily in their make-believe world of royal splendour". Excellent random choice of location, Guy. Bring on Madrid! Not to spoil it for you or anything, but you didn't really expect we'd send her off to a nunnery isle, did you?

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