Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I watched GirlTV today, and it wasn't as hideous as I had expected. Actually, for afternoon kid TV, it was kinda okay. I mean, they had interviews with up-and-coming country singer Catherine Britt, and with feminist-humourist hip-hop duo Sista She [RESPECT!], and also one with a circus boy, which was quite cutely and sweetly done. The show seems to be really well-produced, breezily humourous, and focussed on finding girls and women in a variety of fields to profile [with a special segment called 'Boys Who Rock', reserved for boy stories, eg. circus dude]. And even though the girl hosts didn't really have any idea why country music singer Catherine would name her puppy 'Hank', that hardly matters, does it? I mean, they're young, and they're doing just as well as anyone else whose brief is to go "Really? Wow! What was that like?" Also, they're gorgeous and generally well-dressed, too [the blonde one's style is particularly good]. I know mothers went spastic about this show, but I actually think GirlTV presents a great leap forward in girl-orientated light entertainment. That's a big call, but I stand by it. You wanna know why? It's because there was not one single instance of butterfly clipped twisty 'fun' hair to be seen!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, but that is PROGRESS! Bravo GirlTV! It seems those dark days are behind us. Tweens everywhere should be thankful. [And their mothers should just CHILL OUT. I mean, I know it's not The Big Arvo, but ease up, alright? Tell me, what is actually wrong with a show that profiles a woman who is an aeroplane mechanic by day and a Kylie Minogue impersonator by night, and is successful at both? Huh? Exactly. NOTHING!.....Uh oh. I just revealed that I've watched more than the one episode of this show that I was prepared to admit to. Damn! Leave me alone!]

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