Sunday, December 14, 2003

I just got back from seeing Love Actually and I loved it, but that is beside the point now. You see, on the way home I had made all these grand plans about how I would impress you all with my extensive knowledge of English actoring by listing every role and show and movie that I knew of in which had appeared each person who played a part [no matter how minor] in the film. The only one I couldn't pin down was the one who played Hugh Grant's girlfriend, although she did look familiar, but I wasn't going to even mention that. I was hoping you'd be so dazzled by the breadth and depth of my recollection of every appearance made on ABC TV that you'd forgive me that one. And then, as a final showstopper, I was going to link them all up six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon style just to prove that I had enough stuff on them to link them all up even if the movie Love Actually had never been made and had never achieved that point without me. It would have been terrible fun darlings. For me.

But then I got home and holy shit, Saddam's been and got git! Christiane Amanpour is talking behind me right now. It's all serious and big. So, no treats for me. Bum. I just hate it when personal moments of joy and potential glory are overshadowed and made to seem irrelevant and in poor taste by the monumental events [perhaps] of the world. Poor me.

Ooooh, I have spied a silver lining. Hee hee. Now I can't wait for the red carpet interviews where all the celebs are going to be commenting on the whole Saddam thing. It is going to be gold. GOLD!

Oh yeah. And I guess if it aids stability in Iraq or something, that might be nice too. Oh, and the no deaths thing was also way cool.

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